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A mail account is a “mailbox” that holds your emails on the server. You can can access your email with an email program. An email program is software that runs on your computer, such as “Microsoft Outlook” or “Apple Mail” or “Mozilla Thunderbird”. There are literally thousands of other email programs available; we recommend that you use “Outlook Express”, as it comes free with every Microsoft Windows installation.

All E-Mail accounts have auto responder has standard. An auto responder is an email address that sends an automated response back to every email address it receives.

Yes we offer this feature. It is an email address that – contrary to the mail account that we described above – does not have a mailbox, but rather forwards emails to another email address or set of addresses. Email redirects can also be used to generate alias names for your mail accounts, for instance, let’s say you have created a mail user like described above. You created the user “info” with an email address of “” (please note that in this FAQ, we use “” as a placeholder for your real domain name). For this email address, you could add an email redirect name of “” that forwards email to your mail account “”.

Yes, you will be able to access your email from the web from any remote location that has a connection to the Internet. We offer pre-installed webmail facility, which can be accessed at

Sadly, because of the rate email moves in today’s digital age, it is impossible to capture backups of email without increasing the cost of our services drastically. We can perform a automatically backup every incoming and outgoing email, so you can retrieve any email at any time. Includes storage & data backup. Archiving can be provided as an add-on service for £ 1.67 Per Month for each Mailbox. Alternatively, you can manually perform email backups on your local machine. For the majority of current email clients currently released (Mac Mail, Microsoft Outlook, and Thunderbird) you can manually backup your email by selecting all of your email messages and dragging them to any specified folder on your local computer. This action will create a backup copy of your email while leaving the original safe and sound in your inbox.Our webmail program, Horde, also provides a way to save the contents of a Mail Folder as a single .mbox file. This is a simple mail format which can be import/exported by most email programs. The .mbox file type is the original UNIX mail format. As an option, it will compress the file in ZIP format to save space in your archive (such as your local computer, or external hard drive).

WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM SIZE FOR AN ATTACHMENT? The maximum size for an attachment is 25 MB.

No, all our customer enquiries are handled by a representative in our UK contact centre.

The maximum size for an attachment is 25 MB.

FORGOT MY PASSWORD! Not to worry! Simply call us on 0800 036 7777. Our technical support are happy to help.

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