Full Domain Privacy & Protection

Protect your most valuable online asset.

  • Minimizes your data footprint and reduces the risk of data exposure.
  • Hides remaining personal data in the public WHOIS directory.
  • Protects against accidental expiration and domain hijacking

The internet can be scary. Make sure you’re fully protected.

Every domain registration comes with some protection, but only Full Domain Privacy & Protection provides total security with all the features noted below. It not only helps prevent active threats like domain hijackers, it even protects you from honest mistakes like accidental transfer or an expired credit card — and protects your data from unauthorized access.

Basic Privacy Protection

Full Domain Privacy & Protection

Masks most of your personal details in the public WHOIS directory.
Masks most of your personal details in the public WHOIS directory.
Prevents domain-related spam.
Prevents domain-related spam.
Deters domain hijackers.
Deters domain hijackers.
Protects you from stalkers and harassers.
Protects you from stalkers and harassers.
Includes a private email address that you can forward, filter or block.
Includes a private email address that you can forward, filter or block.
Masks your remaining personal details in the public WHOIS directory.
Masks your remaining personal details in the public WHOIS directory.
Protects against accidental expiration.
Protects against accidental expiration.
Shuts down domain hijackers.
Shuts down domain hijackers.
Prevents 3rd party access to data, reducing risk & exposure.
Prevents 3rd party access to data, reducing risk & exposure.
Protect your domain with automatic scans and continuous security monitoring
Protect your domain with automatic scans and continuous security monitoring

Why do I need Full Domain Privacy & Protection?

First, the SSL "handshake"
When a visitor enters an SSL-protected website, your SSL certificate automatically creates a secure, encrypted connection with their browser. Your site is most secure when SSL is deployed on all pages and subdomains.

Frequently asked questions

What are the benefits of Full Domain Privacy & Protection?

Full Domain Privacy & Protection through Domains By Proxy gives you full control over your domain names while protecting you from identity theft, domain-related spam and domain name hijacking.Domains By Proxy even creates a private and unique email address for each domain name. You get to decide if you want the email forwarded to you, filtered or completely blocked.

What's the WHOIS directory?

The WHOIS directory is a searchable list of every single domain name registered in the world, including the names, addresses and other details of the people who own them.Regulations vary around the world, but the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ensures that your primary personal details are not shared in the WHOIS listing upon registration. However, some information may still be visible, such as your city or state/province.

So everyone can see my information?

The short answer is some of it. Your name, address and phone number are hidden automatically whenever you register a domain with Consulting Networks. But other information that you submit, such as your organization, city and state/province, is publicly accessible by anyone at any time.